If you are not into rants then this post is not for you.
OK, so a lot of curly types have been promoting that their hair doesn't respond to protein. Or I hear the comment protein makes your hair brittle. Or, "my hair becomes crunchy when I have too much protein in my hair."
Stop it. Really, press pause, step on the breaks, just stop it. First and foremost the building blocks of your hair and skin is PROTEIN. What people fail to realize is that everything must be in balance. Protein should always be in conjunction with moisture. Protein makes your hair strong, and able to withstand harsh climates. If your hair is breaking then a protein treatment is your best friend. However you must follow any protein treatment with a moisturizing conditioner. Water= moisture. If it doesn't have water in it then it will not moisturize your hair. Once you have these things in balance you will find your hair is soft and manageable. Read the back of a commercial deep conditioner. They will always contain some type of protein. It it doesn't say protein explicitly than take a look at the oils used in the product. For instance, avocado oil has an abundance of good proteins as well as vitamins.
Hair does better when there is a variety of proteins extracted from a vegetable source. Animal protein is too tough (evident in all the activities our friends participate in) versus vegetable protein like wheat which by its very nature bends and flows easily with the wind.
Do yourself a favor, if you want to stop breakage in its tracks, do a protein treatment.
Natural by Design Cosmetics will have a protein treatment available for market soon.
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