Sunday, December 12, 2010

Magic Eye Potion

Sorry gang, I have been so busy lately I forgot to keep you guys posted.  I finally listed my eye cream on Etsy!  I know, I know its about time.  Can you give a girl a break?  Big things have been happening and some things just get lost in the confusion.  Here is the link with all the details in case you are interested"

And in other news, remember when I said I would not do perfumes?  Okay so chalk that up to "I didn't say absolutely not"  Anyone who know me, knows I love smell goods and so I just couldn't resist.  What I will be putting on the market soon is a list of dry oil perfumes.  Dry oil perfumes contain no alcohol and dry almost instantly when sprayed on skin and dark colored cotton.  It is an oil, so do not spray on silk and some polyester blends.  You can however, spray it on your hair because it is an oil.

BTW- we are retailing at Koco Nails in Philadelphia!  I told ya, big things are happening for me.

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